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A full stack web developer

Computer Science Undergrad

Hey! How nice of you to look at my personal site, Thank you!
I am a self-taught passionate full stack developer from India, currently in my final year of bachelors in computer science and engineering at Harcourt Butler Technical University

Get in touch!

What i do.

I have been building stuff on the web since when I was in my first year of college, I have made countless side projects and worked with one of the brightest minds out there.

I also love doing open source development, I actively maintain various notable open source projects with over, 2k+ Commits on GitHub and I also have merged pull requests in some of the open-source organizations like Microsoft , Circuit Verse, github1s, etc.

Here are few technologies that are cup of my tea coffee .

  • C++
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • HTML 5
  • NodeJs
  • Netlify
  • React
  • Git CLI
  • CSS 3

Places I have worked.

I am active in so many areas and continuously mentored 3k+ juniors and batchmates through webinars and seminars as a Web Lead at Google DSC HBTU and founder of Decoders Community .

Web Development Intern#Feblic Feblic Store is a distribution platform that allows you to distribute your apps

Apr 2021 - Oct 2021

  • Developed the Feblic console dashboard system with ReactJs and MaterialUI.
  • Upgraded the home page, compressed all the assets, and optimized 35% of the loading speed.
  • Executed the built-in API integrations on the Console dashboard and resolved 100+ pending mobile responsive bugs

Some of my Projects.

Some of my featured projects

#01 Stack Proflow

Fullstack StackOverflow clone (QnA site) made with MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs and NodeJs (MERN) STACK.

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Stack Proflow
University Website
#02 University Website

A tribute website for my university to celebrate its 100th year anniversary in 2021. Completely SEO friendly and mobile responsive.

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#03 Syncode

A platform where users can code along with all their teammates and change it live on the platform with the help of their room id without even logging in or signing up.

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#04 Google DSC HBTU

Developed a complete Google Developer Student Clubs HBTU website for my college students to encourage their skills, provide free resources and showcase their projects.

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#05 Algo Viz

Its a visualizer for sorting algorithms to see how they work with real values. It's implemented with React.js, some minimal material UI, and sorting algorithms in Javascript.

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Algo Viz

For more projects you can checkout my github profile

Say hi!

I do reply to messages as long as my human interaction battery lasts. Coding, work, movies or even web stuff, anything is cool. So feel free to message me on any of my social media or shoot me an email.